Great businesses don’t just turn a profit, they make society a better place.
Habitat proudly supported the reopening of Fletcher Street Cottage in the centre of town.
Previously run as a drop-in centre for people at risk of becoming homeless, and those already sleeping rough, Fletcher Street Cottage was closed for five years, due to a lack of funding.
We helped raise $400k to support the project and also donated resources and expertise to the cause.
We’re proud to have supported local charities through fundraising at our markets and events, including Bruns Brekky, Fletcher Street Cottage and Bunjum Aboriginal Association. And have run several campaigns to help the community, like our Christmas Giving Tree and ‘Donate a Stay’, a matchmaking service which housed flood-affected families in temporary accomodation across the Northern Rivers during the 2022 floods crisis.
We love to support the local business community at our free biz events ‘Good Chat’ and ‘Problems for Breakfast’, where our rotating panel of founders and experts help solve people’s work hurdles and dilemmas for breakfast.
Keep an eye out for more events coming up!